January 31, 2022 Julien Baker – Indie Rock’s Reverb Queen Shimmers with HX Effects

The singer, songwriter, keyboardist, and guitarist employs pedals and live looping to sculpt sounds as adeptly as she sings and turns phrases.

January 7, 2022 Reeves Gabrels – Is Art-Rock’s Jedi Master Really a … Blues Rocker?

James Volpe Rotondi talks tone, effects, whammy bar technique, Helix, core influences and more with the former David Bowie and current Cure guitarist.

December 14, 2021 Dave Hunter: Unsung British Guitar Amps from the Golden Age of Rock

There were more than a few British companies making great guitar amplifiers during the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s. We spotlight four of the most important ones.

December 7, 2021 Jeff Schroeder on the Virtues of Running Delay and Reverb Before Distortion

The Smashing Pumpkins guitarist challenges convention and shares three vibey Helix presets as we mark the two year anniversary of Model Citizens.

November 2, 2021 Barry Cleveland: How Joe Meek Turned the Recording World Upside Down

Is the mad genius behind the global hit “Telstar” and responsible for many recording “firsts” the most influential record producer and engineer ever?

October 14, 2021 Dave Hunter: Output Tube Types – Setting the Foundation of Your Tone

Learn why output tubes are an essential factor when it comes to tone, even when you’re choosing and dialing in amplifier models.

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